Confirmation: Each transaction that you made through our store, you'll be receiving an email confirmation within 48 hours including our response within time.
Payments: We accept payment via all the payment options that are listed in our website, and Money Gram / Western Union for those who don’t have an online account, especially for the people that are living in Haiti.
Non-Refundable: Only if you wear it, beside that products purchased are refundable. We accept return / exchange. IMP: the item (s) should not wear, wash before you ship it back to us.
Agreements: You must agree following terms & conditions before you buy anything on our online store, and feel free to contact us before if you have a question.
Privacy Policy: TRILLIONAIRE MIND MEDIA GROUP, LLC is dedicated and committed to establishing trust with each client by protecting his or her privacy. All personal identifying information collected by us will be used for the sole purpose of which they are provided for such as payments for services. When you make a purchase or transfer on our website, you will be asked to provide your contact and payment information for the services that you are requesting.
Thank You,